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Submissions for the 2025 Will Rogers Medallion Award contest are now CLOSED.

Please complete this form, following submission guidelines found below.


Judging Criteria 

The Will Rogers Medallion Award recognizes excellence in Western literature and media. The quality of each entry is judged based on content and artistic presentation. All works must represent an accurate reflection of Western Americana, or cowboy and ranch life, historical or contemporary. Historical accuracy is crucial where applicable. Films must have been released during the year prior (must have a release date of 2024 to be eligible for submission to the 2025 awards) to that of the award ceremony. Works must remain consistent with the values and language embodied in the works of award namesake, Will Rogers; in other words, innuendo is fine but neither graphic sex scenes nor graphic language is in our code. Films are judged on their literary quality as well as artistic/visual aspects of the film. 



______ Western Film - Drama (please include 4 copies of both the screenplay/script AND either 4 DVDs or an               accessible link to the film for viewing)

______ Western Film - Documentary (please include 4 copies of both the screenplay/script AND either 4

             DVDs or an accessible link to the film for viewing)


Contact Information:


Film Title: ____________________________________________________________

Film Release Date: ___________________________________________________

Submitted by: _______________________________  Your email: __________________________________

Your role in the film production (director, producer, etc):


Film Writer: __________________________________________________________________

Writer's Email: _______________________________________________________________

Writer's Phone: _______________________________________________________________

Writer's Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Executive Producer: ____________________________________________________________

Executive Producer Email: ______________________________________________________

Executive Producer Phone: _____________________________________________________

Executive Producer Address: __________________________________________________________________

Production Company: _____________________________________________________

Email address of your local paper or media outlet for news release:




Submission Guidelines:

Please note: Once your submission is received, entry fees are non-refundable and dvds/scripts will not be returned. Please ensure that your entry meets our publication date and other guidelines, and that you have submitted your film to the proper category before mailing your dvds and entry form.

Submit four (4) printed copies of the screenplay/script,

either 4 film dvds OR an accessible link to the film,

a completed contest entry form,

and the $75 entry fee

(checks payable to Will Rogers Medallion Award):


Chris Enss-Submissions

14583 Silver Pick Court
Grass Valley, California  95945

Email for film links:

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